Coal Delivered

We emphasise the importance of quality at every opportunity when it comes to the fuel that we supply our clients. After all, it is vital that homeowners receive a cost-effective fire output regardless of whether they choose to burn traditional bituminous coal, firewood or smokeless Ovoid’s. In fact, the recent focus on environmentalism has caused many people to rethink their choice of fuel and smokeless alternatives have begun to increase in popularity like never before. Read on as we go over some of the benefits that they can offer…

Why are Smokeless Ovoid’s environmentally friendly?

As perhaps their most famous characteristic, it is no secret that smokeless coal offers a much more environmentally approach to heating a residential property, particularly during the winter months. This is because they contain fewer volatile materials like sulphur and have a much higher carbon content of around 95-98% which reduces the chance of smoke production during combustion. As a result, the number of harmful gases that enter the atmosphere is significantly lower.

Is smokeless fuel a cost-effective choice?

Although the upfront cost of smokeless Ovoid’s is often much higher than the upfront cost of traditional house coal, the return on investment (ROI) is promising over time. After all, smokeless fuels burn for longer at a much hotter temperature which makes them incredibly efficient and means that property owners will not have to replace their stock as often. In fact, many homeowners find that they save money overtime from an investment in smokeless fuels.

Are smokeless fuels suitable for stoves?

When it comes to the combustion of smokeless coal, it is vital that homeowners ensure that they have the right appliance. After all, a stove is often made with a specific fuel in mind which means that a wood burner is not suitable for smokeless or traditional coal. With this said, a multi-fuel stove allows homeowners to pick and choose their fuel choice and are popular with those that prefer to burn smokeless alternatives like Ovoid’s and anthracite.

Many homeowners incorrectly believe that smokeless fuels are environmentally friendly because their quality is sacrificed in order to reduce the number of volatile materials that they contain. Luckily, this couldn’t be further from the truth! In fact, smokeless fuels are renowned for their high heat output without a significant contribution to pollution. To find out more information, get in contact with the best coal merchants on the market and ask a member of the team about our smokeless fuels range today!